
AGM 2021

BAROSSA GERMAN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION INC. Annual General Meeting—Jahreshauptversammlung Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, held at the Langmeil Centre, 25 October, 2021 Steffi Traeger, President of the Barossa German Language Association, welcomed those present and recorded apologies. 36 people attended and there were 4 apologies. The Minutes of 2020 Annual General Meeting were read and… Continue reading AGM 2021

Kaffee und Kuchen

Kaffee und Kuchen September with Gerhard Rüdiger

by John Clarke Giving Back That the Aboriginal people were imposed upon by the white settlers who came to South Australia in 1836 cannot be questioned, but according to Gerhard Ruediger, Kaurna Administration Officer and Researcher at the University of Adelaide, that is not the whole story. Gerhard Ruediger was the guest speaker at the… Continue reading Kaffee und Kuchen September with Gerhard Rüdiger

Kaffee und Kuchen

AGM + Kaffee und Kuchen Oktober 2021

Bitte beachten Sie, dass unsere Hauptversammlung am Montag, den 25.Oktober 2021 um 13 Uhr vor unserem normalen Kaffee und Kuchen Nachmittag stattfindet. Wenn Sie Teil unseres Komitees werden oder jemanden nominieren möchten, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an: newsletter@barossagerman.com.au Das nächste Kaffee und Kuchen Treffen ist am 25. Oktober mit Gastrednerin Doreen von Linde. Sie wird auf… Continue reading AGM + Kaffee und Kuchen Oktober 2021

Kaffee und Kuchen

Kaffee und Kuchen 30 August 2021

Invitation to Kaffee und Kuchen  Bilingual Barossa Bilingualism and Bilingual Schooling: The evidence for bilingual education Bilingual education is the topic for the next Kaffee und Kuchen event.  The topic follows the successful public meeting on the Re-introduction of Bilingual Education in the Barossa. See the brief report here. Kaffee und Kuchen, 1.00 pm -3.00… Continue reading Kaffee und Kuchen 30 August 2021