AGM BGLA Kaffee und Kuchen October 2022
BAROSSA GERMAN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION INC. Sprachverein Barossa e.V. AGENDA Annual General Meeting—Jahreshauptversammlung 31st October 2022 … Continue reading AGM BGLA Kaffee und Kuchen October 2022
BAROSSA GERMAN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION INC. Sprachverein Barossa e.V. AGENDA Annual General Meeting—Jahreshauptversammlung 31st October 2022 … Continue reading AGM BGLA Kaffee und Kuchen October 2022
by John Clarke There can be few people who have made a more significant contribution to the cultural life of the Barossa Valley. At the last meeting of the German speaking group Kaffee und Kuchen the guest speaker was Gerlinde Trappe. Gerlinde introduced her talk by saying that she had three babies. The first was… Continue reading  A gift to the Barossa– This was September Kaffee und Kuchen
BGLA AGM + Guest speaker + Kaffee und Kuchen Monday, 31 Oktober, 1pm Guest speaker: Laura Geuting, DAAD German Language Assistant, University of Adelaide Coffee and cake buffet WHERE: Langmeil Centre, 5-7 Maria St, Tanunda SA 5352, Australia Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) meetings are held on the last Monday of the month. We… Continue reading AGM + Kaffee und Kuchen October 2022
Are you looking for an activity which enables your young child/ children to have fun with other children whilst hearing and being exposed to another language? Gives you the opportunity to hear and perhaps learn something about another language and culture? A chance to chat and connect with other families? The Barossa Spielgruppe is a… Continue reading Spielgruppe – Barossa Playgroup for little kids
BGLA Luncheon + Guest speaker + Kaffee und Kuchen 📆Monday, 26 September, 12pm 🥘Luncheon: We will serve red cabbage, cooked the German way with apples, mashed potatoes and Wiener Würstchen. The Cost is $20, please register with Steffi Traeger 0408 621 384 or 🗣Guest speaker: Dr Melissa Bond, University of South Australia 🍰 Coffee… Continue reading Kaffee und Kuchen September
Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) meetings are held on the last Monday of the month. We meet to listen to a guest speaker, to join in speaking German and to enjoy Kaffee und Kuchen. New members and visitors are always welcome. WHEN: Last Monday of the month, 1pm -3pm WHERE: Langmeil Centre, 5-7 Maria… Continue reading Kaffee und Kuchen August
We are pleased to bring you this August edition of the Das Blatt. We thank everyone who provided content for their contribution to making this edition possible. Thank you Gerlinde and Sarah for putting together the German and English newsletter of the Barossa German Language Association. Printed copies can be collected at our next Kaffee und… Continue reading Das Blatt August
Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) meetings are held on the last Monday of the month. Each month we meet to listen to a guest speaker, to join in speaking German and to enjoy Kaffee und Kuchen. New members and visitors are always welcome. KAFFEE UND KUCHEN Monday 25th Juli 2022, 1pm -3pm Langmeil Lutheran Church Hall,… Continue reading Kaffee und Kuchen July 2022
“Laternenlauf” – an after dark family event – Just when it’s nice and chilly outside the Barossa German Language Association Inc. invites you to their annual lantern walk – a favourite German family tradition. All families, including grandparents, are very welcome to join from 4pm. The walk itself will be starting at 6pm, please bring… Continue reading Barossa Lantern Walk 2022
by John Clarke For over forty years Dieter Fabig has been the German Voice on 5EBI Radio Adelaide. At the last meeting of the German speaking group Kaffee und Kuchen Dieter spoke of his life. His early years were spent in Breslau. Under communist rule it was a hard time, but young Dieter was shielded… Continue reading German Voice comes to the Barossa