Please join us for our BGLA Kaffee und Kuchen this July! Our guest speaker is Anne Kroehn.
Monday 31st July, 1pm
Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street, Tanunda

Anne summed up her German connection in her own words:
“German has been such a large part of my life, my family came to the Barossa Valley from Prussia in the mid 1850’s and without really realising as a small child, my parents and grandparents continued German traditions and sayings from those times.
From my first German class in Primary School, to being Faith College’s first exchange student to Germany in 1989. The German language and Germany became a passion. I was so fortunate to experience first-hand, the emotional impact of the opening of the borders between East and West Germany in November 1989 as my German host mother had been from Berlin and was finally reunited with cousins after so many years.
I have travelled back to Germany 3 times since my 6-month exchange in 1989 to visit. The most recent time being in 2018, when I travelled with my 2 grown daughters to enable them to experience a German Christmas with my host family in Hamburg.
As a mature age student, I also completed a diploma in German alongside a commerce degree, at Adelaide University in 2018. After studying I worked for Maggie Beer at her Farmshop in the Barossa Valley and was fortunate to be able to regularly chat with German speaking tourists. I now work in Adelaide and while I don’t have as much opportunity to speak German for work, I enjoy using the language wherever possible.”
Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) meetings are held on the last Monday of the month. Each month we meet to listen to a guest speaker, to join in speaking German and to enjoy Kaffee und Kuchen! We meet at the Langmeil Lutheran Church Hall, 5-7 Maria St Tanunda from 1pm to 3pm. New members and visitors are always welcome.
Das Kaffee und Kuchen Treffen ist ein gemütliches Zusammensein zur Pflege der deutschen Sprache. Es findet jeden letzten Montag im Monat im Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street in Tanunda statt.
Neue Mitglieder und Besucher sind stets willkommen.