Kaffee und Kuchen

Kaffee und Kuchen November 2017

Liebe Freunde Vergesst bitte nicht dass wir nächsten Montag, am 27. November um 13.00 Uhr, unser letztes Kaffee und Kuchen Treffen fuer dieses Jahr in der Langmeil Kirche in Tanunda haben. Gastrednerin ist dieses Mal Magdalini Dritsou.    27. November 2017: Magdalini Dritsou, DAAD Language Assistant   “Generation Gastarbeiter-Kind”? Magdalini wurde in Nordrhein-Westfalen als Kind griechischer Gastarbeiter… Continue reading Kaffee und Kuchen November 2017

Kaffee und Kuchen · Uncategorized

Kaffee und Kuchen October with lunch/ Mittagessen

For the BGLA Kaffee und Kuchen meeting on Monday, 30 October Reto Gasser, former head chef at the Alphaus Swiss restaurant in Angaston, will cook a special German lunch Mittagessen. This will be absolutely delicious and bookings are essential, call Reto 0466430803 by 23rd, October. Lunch on Monday  30/10/2017 @11.30am – 1.00pm (followed by Kaffee und Kuchen… Continue reading Kaffee und Kuchen October with lunch/ Mittagessen

Kaffee und Kuchen

“Das Henschke Erlebnis in Deutschland” – Kaffee und Kuchen August 2017 with Stephen and Prue Henschke

For Monday, 28th of August, we invited Stephen and Prue Henschke to talk about “the Henschke experience in Germany”. Prue and Stephen are the people behind the Henschke Winery at Eden Valley. They have been awarded many prizes for their wines and most recently the new 2012 vintage of Hill of Grace has been named… Continue reading “Das Henschke Erlebnis in Deutschland” – Kaffee und Kuchen August 2017 with Stephen and Prue Henschke

Kaffee und Kuchen · Uncategorized

Kaffee und Kuchen April 24th

Our next Kaffee und Kuchen will be on Monday 24th April at 1.00 pm at the Langmeil Centre, Maria St, Tanunda. The guest speaker is the Honourable Stephan Knoll, State Member for Schubert. The Shadow Minister for Police, Emergency and Correctional Services will talk about his business experience in the family firm Barossa Fine Foods and… Continue reading Kaffee und Kuchen April 24th