Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) meetings are normally held on the last Monday of the month – but this May we are meeting twice to listen to a guest speaker, to join in speaking German and to enjoy Kaffee und Kuchen. New members and visitors are always welcome.
Monday 2nd May 2022, 1.00 pm -3.00 pm with Speaker Dr Simon Walsh
Monday 30th May 2022 from 12pm with a BGLA Luncheon (sausage and potato salad)
Langmeil Lutheran Church Hall, 5-7 Maria St, Tanunda SA 5352, Australia
The speaker on 2 May is Dr Simon Walsh from the Adelaide University.
“I simply plan to talk a bit about my own background and weave that together with something about my mother’s upbringing in Tanunda. Even though she only speaks a few words of German, I hope my mum can come, because I think she’ll be interested in the event. In that vein, I don’t really have a full paragraph to give you. You could just say that I’m originally from Adelaide, where I did my undergraduate study, before living and studying overseas for several years, where I obtained my PhD in German at the University of Michigan. And that I returned to my home city of Adelaide, where I assumed a position as a German Lecturer at the University of Adelaide. You might also say that my most recent work has looked at visual creativity among German-Australian internees in an Australian WWI internment camp.“
Monday, 30th May BGLA Luncheon from 12pm. On the menu is Würstchen und Kartoffelsalat (sausage and potato salad). Price is $20 pp including Kaffee und Kuchen, please register interest to Steffi by 23rd May: 0408 621 384.
Das Kaffee und Kuchen Treffen ist ein gemütliches Zusammensein zur Pflege der deutschen Sprache. Es findet normalerweise jeden letzten Montag im Monat von 13-15 Uhr im Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street in Tanunda statt. Im Mai wird es zwei Treffen geben – am 2.5. und am 30.5. mit Mittagessen. Neue Mitglieder und Besucher sind stets willkommen.