Kaffee und Kuchen

AGM BGLA Kaffee und Kuchen October 2024

Join us for the Barossa German Language Association’s AGM and Guest Speaker Event When: Monday 28th October 2024, 1 – 3pmWhere: Langmeil Lutheran Church hall, 5-7 Maria St, Tanunda We will begin with a brief AGM (Annual General Meeting) for the Barossa German Language Association, followed by a special presentation from our guest speaker, Patrick… Continue reading AGM BGLA Kaffee und Kuchen October 2024

Barossa German History · Cultural Precinct · News

Barossa Culture Precinct

The context for a Barossa Culture Precinct and Study Centre The Barossa is famed for food and wine. Its German and indigenous heritage is less well known. But German heritage although invisible in advertising the Barossa is evident in viticulture, in architecture of churches, in cemeteries and in museums, and in names of people, places,… Continue reading Barossa Culture Precinct

Adelaide German Week · News

Recap: Barossa Deutsch Konzert

by John Clarke Making Musical Connections Music has always brought people together, whether to sing, play an instrument in a group, or simply to listen. The Kegelstatt Ensemble’s “Barossa Deutsch” Konzert brought people from Adelaide and all parts of the Barossa Valley  to the Langmeil Lutheran Church, Tanunda to experience an extraordinary programme that brought… Continue reading Recap: Barossa Deutsch Konzert

Kaffee und Kuchen

Recap: Kaffee und Kuchen August 2024

A Story in Ten Objects by John Clarke Is it possible to represent the South Australian/German connection in ten objects? That was the task historian Samuel Doering set himself as guest speaker at the last meeting of the German speaking group Kaffee und Kuchen. First, appropriately for an audience brought together by the promise of… Continue reading Recap: Kaffee und Kuchen August 2024

Adelaide German Week · News

Barossa Deutsch Konzert

Adelaide German Week ’24 Barossa Deutsch Konzert in Tanunda Bookings are now open for the “Barossa Deutsch” Konzert, a chamber music concert by the renowned Kegelstatt Ensemble that is being held live at the Langmeil Centre in Tanunda on September the 15th.  Concert from 2-4pm. Hospitality of food and wine afterwards. Cost: $45 pp or $40 Concession/ StudentOptional:… Continue reading Barossa Deutsch Konzert