BGLA Lunch and Kaffee und Kuchen on Monday 27th March – Booking closes soon!
Please join us for a BGLA lunch before Kaffee und Kuchen on Monday, 27th March at the Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria St in Tanunda.
We will have lunch, followed by a presentation by our guest speaker and the chance to chat in German and enjoy Kaffee und Kuchen. The lunch starts at 12 noon and will cost $25 including Kaffee und Kuchen. On the menu is “Falscher Hase” – special meatloaf, along with potato salad and green salad. To book please ring Steffi on 0408 621384 by this Thursday (23 March).
We are very excited to have Christian Frenzel join us as guest speaker this month. Christian is a traditional German cathedral stonemason and sculptor who worked on the Kavel memorial stone in the Langmeil cemetery and many others. He will join us for an interesting talk over coffee and cake.
We invited Christian as guest speaker a couple of years ago but unfortunately this had to be cancelled, this post has more information about his projects.
New members and visitors are always welcome.