13 July 2019
4-8pm – Joy Rice Centre, Scholz Ave, Nuriootpa SA 5355
“Laternenlauf” – an after dark family event – Just when it’s nice and chilly outside the Barossa German Language Association Inc. invites you to their annual lantern walk – a favourite German family tradition. All families, including grandparents, are very welcome to join from 4pm. The walk itself will be starting at 6pm, please bring warm clothes.
A great opportunity to connect with the German culture, as the lantern walks are done everywhere in Germany on Saint Martins Day in November when it’s gets dark early in Europe.
Lanterns: Bring your own lantern from home (battery candles – no real candles please) or learn to make a lantern at our lantern workshop.
Lantern workshop: We will run a creative workshop at 4pm (parents to assist young children) on 13 July.
If you want to make a lantern with your kids please register by sending an email to Steffi: events@barossagerman.com.au
This is important for our planning, we want to make sure there is enough material and lantern lights.
The cost is $5 per lantern and it includes yall materials for making the lantern (and some crafty guidance from the workshop crew). We will make the lantern before the walk, starting at 4pm. ?
Laterne song: During the walk we will sing the German songs “Laterne, Laterne” and “Ich geh mit meiner Laterne” – you can find the songs and lyrics on youtube and we will practice it a little before heading out.a
Food and Drinks: German style food and drinks available for purchase on the night. Think German sausage roll, sauerkraut, German cake, Glühwein, drinks, tea, coffee … ?
Sorry no eftpos.
This event is in collaboration with Barossa Village incorporated. Support greatly appreciated!