Adelaide German Week · German lessons · Kaffee und Kuchen · KinderKlub · Lantern walk · News · Spielgruppe

Herzlich Willkommen – A Warm Welcome to the BGLA in 2025!

The new year is here, and we’re excited to share some of the wonderful activities planned for 2025! Mark your calendars and join us for a year filled with language, culture, and community. Upcoming Events & Activities German Classes Resume Kaffee und Kuchen  Looking Ahead – Save the Dates! We have plenty more planned for… Continue reading Herzlich Willkommen – A Warm Welcome to the BGLA in 2025!

German lessons · KinderKlub · Spielgruppe

What is the Children’s University?

Playgroup Affiliates with Children’s University by John Clarke Spielgruppe (Playgroup) and Kinder Klub (Children’s Club), conducted by the Barossa German Language Association, have extended their range of activities through affiliation with the Children’s University. Begun in Great Britain, the Children’s University concept has spread through many parts of the world. Its aim is to encourage… Continue reading What is the Children’s University?

KinderKlub · Spielgruppe

Spielgruppe – A playgroup with a difference

by John Clarke When asked why she brought her daughter Charlotte to the Tuesday afternoon playgroup at the Langmeil Centre, Justine replied, “Because it is different.” The difference is that Spielgruppe and Kinder Klub, a club for slightly older children which takes place at the same time, are conducted principally in German. While Justine’s partner… Continue reading Spielgruppe – A playgroup with a difference

KinderKlub · Spielgruppe

Spielgruppe + Kinderklub 2023

A Playgroup with a Difference – by John Clarke When asked why she brought her daughter Charlotte to the Tuesday afternoon playgroup at the Langmeil Centre, Justine replied, “Because it is different.”The difference is that Spielgruppe and Kinder Klub, a club for slightly older children which takes place at the same time, are conducted principally… Continue reading Spielgruppe + Kinderklub 2023

German lessons · Spielgruppe

Spielgruppe – Barossa Playgroup for little kids

Are you looking for an activity which enables your young child/ children to have fun with other children whilst hearing and being exposed to another language? Gives you the opportunity to hear and perhaps learn something about another language and culture? A chance to chat and connect with other families? The Barossa Spielgruppe is a… Continue reading Spielgruppe – Barossa Playgroup for little kids