Das Kaffee und Kuchen Treffen ist ein gemütliches Zusammensein zur Pflege der deutschen Sprache. Es findet jeden letzten Montag im Monat im Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street in Tanunda statt.
Neue Mitglieder und Besucher sind stets willkommen.
Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) meetings are held on the last Monday of the month. Each month we meet to listen to a guest speaker, to join in speaking German and to enjoy Kaffee und Kuchen! We meet in the Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street, Tanunda. New members and visitors are always welcome.

2024 speakers: A big thank you to all speakers who presented at Kaffee und Kuchen in Tanunda this year:
November 2024: Kaffee und Kuchen Weinachtsfeier with Singkreis and guest Ute Schwarz on the accordion. German Christmas carols and sharing customs.
October 2024: Patrick Wille, Honorary Consul of Switzerland for South Australia, was our guest in October. We learned a lot about the various connections between South Australia and Switzerland, some of them surprising!
September 2024: Udo Boettger told us the story of his father Rudolf and how they came from the German town of Jena to South Australia in the 1950s.
August 2024: Young historian Samuel Doering asked “Deutsches in Südaustralien: What’s German in South Australia?” and came up with a unique list of 10 objects.
July 2024: Christine Winter, Associate Professor in the School of Humanities at Flinders University. In her presentation, Christine explores the impact of the German training cruiser Köln’s visit to Adelaide in 1933 on the German-Australian Lutheran community in the context of Germany’s political changes on German-Australians’ identity and public perception.
June 2024: Dr. Wolf Blass AM BVK was our guest speaker on June 24th. The wine industry legend shared his inspiring migrant experience and life in the Australian wine industry.
May 2024: Dr. Pam Zweck was guest speaker at Kaffee und Kuchen on May 27th. Her topic was the relationship between the work of Dr Martin Luther and Lucas Cranach the Elder.
April 2024: Erich Holzknecht – growing up in colonial and post-colonial New Guinea. Erich comes from a German missionary family that served the Lutheran Church in New Guinea from 1908 to 1988.
March 2024: Dr. Heidi Kneebone talked about learning and teaching German and the German Connections in SA and the unique linguistic legacy of the Lutheran Missionaries
February 2024: Anna Fontaine from Simply Flammekueche presented Flammkuchen from the Alsass region with a Leckerbissen to try.
2023 speakers:
November 2023: Kaffee und Kuchen Weinachtsfeier with Singkreis and guest Jens Sandstrom. German Christmas carols and sharing customs.
October 2023: Barossa German Language Association AGM, followed by guest speaker Kateryna Katsman
September 2023: Nadine Helmi – co-author of the book The Enemy at Home – German Internees in World War I Australia, winner of the 2012 National Trust Heritage Award.
August 2023: Friederike Zahn – Friederike is a researcher at the University of Cologne with a background in linguistics who is working on a PhD project in South Australia, studying the preservation of the German language across generations.
July 2023: Anne Kroehn – Memories from an unforgettable experience of a school exchange from the Barossa to Germany in 1989
June 2023: Joerg Wiese – Landcare projects in the Barossa and the Heritage Listed Altona CSR Landcare Reserve at Lyndoch.
May 2023: Helena Weyland, German Department of the University of Adelaide – The city of Cologne and Carnival culture
April 2023: Gerlinde Trappe, BGLA committee member – “Eine Überseereise mit fünf Tonnen Skulpturen im Gepäck” (An overseas trip with five tonnes of sculptures in the luggage)
March 2023: Stone mason and sculptor Christian Frenzel talked about the artisan work of cathedral restoration.
February 2023: Helen Hennessy and Patricia Booth gave a presentation in English of their new book, “The Defiant Anti-conscriptionist” and the life of EH Coombe.
2022 speakers:
October 2022: Laura Geuting, DAAD Language Assistant at the University of Adelaide
September 2022: Gerlinde Trappe, BGLA committee member
August 2022: Cindy Mackinnon, Principal, School of German Language
July 2022: Timothy Pietsch – Wantok Place, the Lutheran Church Australia’s Museum of Papua New Guinea Artefacts
June 2022: Ingrid Muenstermann
May 2022: Dieter Fabig, Host on the community radio program 5EBI
May 2022: Dr Simon Walsh, a Lecturer in the German Department at the University of Adelaide. He spoke about his grandfather Martin John and the stories of his Tanunda pharmacy.
March 2022: John Field – Rosie’s People: Hanisch, Schuster, Schrapel and Stengert
February 2022: Samuel Doering. The historian from Neales Flat, South Australia, talked about editing the book ‘The diary of Emilie Appelt. Eudandan. German. Lutheran. Woman.’, translated from German. The diary records ten (1904-1914) tumultuous years of her life.
2021 speakers:
November 2021: Jens Sandstrom was our guest in November, leading a soiree coupled with singing some traditional German Christmas carols and sharing customs. Jens has extensive experience working with the German-speaking Community. He has been active in the German Club for many years, and the Principal of the School of German Language. He is a musician and music director and an energetic teacher of German.
October 2021: Doreen von Linde spoke about the range of education and community programs at the Barossa Bushgardens.
September 2021: Gerhard Ruediger spoke of the Lutheran missionaries Clamor Wilhelm Schürmann and Christian Gottlob Teichelmann and their work with the Kaurna people and recording the Kaurna language.
August 2021: Dr Margareta Velichova Rebelos talked about Connecting play and speech with learning to read and write in two languages and Dr Peter Mickan, Visiting Research Fellow, University of Adelaide updated us on Benefits of bilingual education.
June 2021: John Geber – The proprietor of Chateau Tanunda spoke of his background, his career, his move to the Barossa and his vision for the region’s future.
May 2021: Ally and Dieter Hauptmann – a lighthearted introduction to the balalaika and Russian Folk music
April 2021: Judy Gillett- Ferguson, author of the novel „The German Teacher“ set in the Barossa in 1917
March 2021: John Strehlow and his topic is “Frieda Strehlow geb. Keyßer – Perspektive einer Missionarsfrau.”
February 2021: Karneval – celebrating Fasching with a lunch, dress ups and reminiscing German Karneval traditions here and overseas.
2020 speakers
November 2020: Vanessa Kreusch – the language assistant for the German department at Adelaide University talked about her hometown Trier.
October 2020: Darrel Maczkowiac talked about growing up under the influence of his German / Lutheran heritage and his research for the Maczkowiack family history book.
September 2020: Historical consultant Dr Pauline Payne chairs both the History of Science, Ideas and Technology Group (SA) and the German Heritage Research Group. Her topic: The Schomburgk family and their legacy to S.A. in gardening, farming, community affairs and the arts.
2019 speakers
September 2019: Robert Pfitzner, descended from German immigrants in the nineteenth century and passionate about his German heritage. His topic: Deutschtum in Robertstown.
August 2019: Sofia Gruca: language, Heimat and Identity. Sofia was DAAD Teaching Assistant at the German Department, Adelaide University.
April 2019: Ursula Goetz The German teacher talked about life in a remote Aboriginal community. She lived for 5 years in Pipalyatjara (our most remote AborCommunity) and one year in Mimili.
January 2019: Kateryna Katsman talked about her PhD at the University of Adelaide with the topic “Das Barossadeutsch – Heritage Language. Language documentation and analysis”. This project documents Barossa German through several interviews with the remaining speakers and investigates the language in use in naturally occurring social contexts. Reto cooked a lunch and SBS filmed the session for an episode of “Where Are You Really From?”.
2018 speakers
October 2018: Carsten Rostalsky – The German pastor was visiting from Dahme/ Mark in Brandenburg and talked about his life between East and West (Germany), his international church connections with Korea and the reason for his interest in Aboriginal languages and Gottlieb Teichelmann.
September 2018: Matt Kowald, General Manager, Residential Care Services in the Barossa Village will talk to us about the very successful Kaffee und Kuchen gatherings held each month for German speakers and other interested residents. Community speakers of German join with Barossa Village residents in sharing experiences, singing songs and hymns and chatting in German.
August 2018: Christine Winter, Matthew Flinders Fellow in history and Associate Professor at Flinders University is a historian whose work connects Australia, German speaking Europe and the Pacific.
June 2018: Professor Kleanthes K. Grohmann (University of Cyprus & CAT Lab), “Gestatten, Grohmann — Apropos ‘multi’: Familie, Arbeit, Sprache, Kultur”
May 2018: Dr Stefan Enderling & Melissa Bond
April 2018: Dr Peter Mickan
March 2018: Mary Quigley
February 2018: Ben Hollister
2017 speakers
November 2017: Magdalini Dritsou, DAAD Language Assistant
Dr Wolfgang Preiss, geologist
May 2017: Professor Peter Mühlhäusler
April 2017: Stephan Knoll, State Member for Schubert. The Shadow Minister for Police, Emergency and Correctional Services talked about his business experience in the family firm Barossa Fine Foods and his German family background.
Chris Hall spoke of his recently published book Wild Barossa: How plants, people and wildlife connect.
Michael Wohltmann spoke about his book A Future Unlived, a history of the interment of German enemy aliens on Torrens Island and the marginalisation of Germans in South Australia from 1914 to 1924.
2016 speakers
Angela Heuzenreuder