by John Clarke
Gundi Tophinke’s German class at the Lyndoch Library received national recognition when it was featured on the SBS television programme Where Are You Really From? Gundi has now retired, and a new teacher is building a new class.
Birgit Matwijiw was born in Potsdam, the picturesque and historic city 25 kilometres southwest of Berlin. At that time Potsdam was part of the Communist controlled German Democratic Republic. After leaving school, Birgit attended university at Chemnitz, another ancient city which had been renamed Karl Marx Stadt after it had fallen to the Russians at the end of World War II. Her graduation occurred only weeks before the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November, 1989 and the consequent reunification of Germany. (As the result of a referendum the following year Chemnitz was restored as the city’s name.)
For three years Birgit worked as a teacher before studying again for the public service. The end to Cold War barriers meant opportunities for travel. Birgit had a cousin in Sydney, whom she decided to visit, and there through family connections she met her future husband Peter. He too was visiting. At that time he was working in Melbourne.
Some time later they met again in London and returned together to Australia. Birgit studied for a degree in teaching, and when not bringing up their two daughters, she taught German in Melbourne and later in Canberra, when Peter took up a position there. With a strong belief in bilingual education Birgit and Peter raised their daughters to be fluent in both English and German.
When Peter retired, they had to decide where they would live. Birgit wanted to head south away from the humid weather, and Adelaide was discussed. Peter had worked at the University of Adelaide many years before. South of the city seemed attractive, but when Birgit learnt of the German heritage in the Barossa Valley, her mind (and Peter’s) was made up.
She has particularly enjoyed the Lyndoch environment and was delighted to take over the German class at the Lyndoch Library. Anyone interested in joining the class can contact Birgit at