Please join us for a BGLA lunch before Kaffee und Kuchen on Monday, 26th June at the Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria St in Tanunda.
We will have lunch, followed by a presentation by our guest speaker and the chance to chat in German and enjoy Kaffee und Kuchen. The lunch starts at 12 noon and will cost $25 including Kaffee und Kuchen. On the menu is “Gulasch, Spätzle und Gemüse” – goulash and spaetzle with vegetables. To book please ring Steffi on 0408 621 384 by 23rd June.
We invited Joerg Wiese to be our guest speaker this month. Joerg will be talking about the Altona CSR Landcare Reserve at Lyndoch. Joerg and Elke were founding members of the group over 30 years ago and Joerg will give a short introduction to a dvd presentation about the reserve. The Reserve is 70 ha of native reserve and is a Heritage Listed Site. He will then answer any questions. His part will be in German, but the dvd is in English.