Are you looking for an activity which enables your young child/ children to have fun with other children whilst hearing and being exposed to another language? Gives you the opportunity to hear and perhaps learn something about another language and culture? A chance to chat and connect with other families?
The Barossa Spielgruppe is a playgroup for young kids (0-5 years) with an interest in the German language and culture, organised by the Barossa German Language Association (BGLA). It is the perfect environment for young Barossans to be immersed into the Barossa German heritage, and ideal for resident German speaking expats to keep their kids in contact with the language and culture, or for anyone else interested in introducing their children to a foreign language in a relaxed play environment.
Kids and parents/ carers alike come together to play, make crafts and sing with a connection to the German language and traditions. With a wide variety of activities the children are learning German while running or playing games, doing craft, reading stories, singing songs, drawing or watching short video clips in German.
Every week on a Tuesday the playgroup meets at 10am at the Langmeil centre in Tanunda. The group speaks mostly German or a mix of English and German but always make sure everyone understand everything. Kids or parents/ carers don’t need to know German for Spielgruppe – it’s as much for complete beginners as it is for native speakers and sessions are always engaging and fun, so please get in contact to join or just come along– new families are always Herzlich Willkommen!
Contact Co-ordinator Steffi Traeger: 0408 621 384 /
Facebook: Barossa Spielgruppe / German Playgroup
When: 10am Tuesday every week during school term
Where: Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street, Tanunda
Cost: $5 per family per session