KINDERKLUBWe are so excited that Kinder Klub Term 1 starts next week. It will be held on Tuesday afternoons NOT Thursdays as in the past.
For all Barossa families with primary school children: Kinder Klub is our after school hour German club where kids can have fun in a safe, caring environment and at the same time learn the German language.
We offer weekly sessions on Tuesdays 4- 5:30pm during SA school term and the first meeting for 2022 will take place on 15th February.
We have engaged a new Co-ordinator, Kane Schiller. Kane is a German student at the Adelaide University, and has worked and studied in Germany. He is a young man who speaks fluent German and is enthusiastic about the German language and teaching. He has been working part time as a student support officer at Craigmore High School. Liz and Chris are again willing to volunteer (thank you ladies!!).
“My name is Kane Schiller and I grew up in the Barossa where I initially learnt German. I have a great passion for the German language and education, which has brought me to teach for the KinderKlub.”
We are sure this amazing team will be great for the children and bring a new ‘vibe’ to the afternoons. Es wird super werden, wir freuen uns auf euch!

Langmeil Centre Tanunda (5-7 Maria Street, opposite Faith Lutheran Collage Junior School in Tanunda).
It’s a casual cost of $10 per family, no ongoing fees. Activities include games, books, puzzles, drawing, writing, music, cooking, handicrafts presented in the German language in a fun, inclusive way.
Kane Schiller: