On Monday, 19th April 2021 at 1pm we are inviting our Barossa German friends to come along to the Langmeil Centre in Tanunda for an afternoon of German talk, coffee and cake and a presentation of our guest speaker. New members and visitors are always welcome. Please note the cost is a $5 donation and we will be adhering to Covid19 guidelines.
Guest speaker cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances Peter Hauptmann is a passionate Balalaika player and has joined the Russian Club in Adelaide to play the instrument for them. He also builds musical instruments and will tell us all about it. Please note change of date due to Anzac Day.

auf Deutsch:
Das nächste Kaffee und Kuchen Treffen der Barossa German Language Association findet am Montag 19. April statt. Das Kaffee und Kuchen Treffen ist ein gemütliches Zusammensein zur Pflege der deutschen Sprache. Es findet jeden letzten Montag im Monat um 13 Uhr im Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street in Tanunda statt. Neue Teilnehmer sind stets willkommen. Wir bitten um eine Spende von $5 und werden die Covid-19 Richtlinien beachten.