We are excited to announce that the BGLA is able to host a Barossadeutsch Kaffee und Kuchen meeting again this month. On Monday, September 28th 2020 at 1pm we are inviting our Barossa German friends to come along to the Langmeil Centre in Tanunda for an afternoon of German talk, coffee and cake and a presentation of our guest speaker Dr Pauline Payne.

Each month we meet to listen to a guest speaker, to join in speaking German and to enjoy Kaffee und Kuchen! We meet in the Langmeil Lutheran Church Hall, 7 Maria Street, Tanunda, on the last Monday of the month (28th September 2020) at 1pm. New members and visitors are always welcome.
Please note the cost is a $5 donation and we will be adhering to Covid19 guidelines.
Our guest speaker this month is Dr Pauline Payne.
Dr Pauline Payne is an Adelaide based historical consultant. She is a Visiting Research Fellow in the History Department of the University of Adelaide,.and chairs both the History of Science, Ideas and Technology Group (SA) and the German Heritage Research Group. Her previous career in public and social administration and her research for historical consultancies have combined with her own family history to give her a special interest in Australian settlement history, crop research and the contribution of German pioneers.
The topic: The Schomburgk family and their legacy to S.A. in gardening, farming, community affairs and the arts
Two Schomburgk brothers, Richard and Otto, arrived in 1849 and their siblings Julius and Linna arrived in 1850. The family was based in the Gawler area initially, with Richard and Otto much involved with community affairs. Linna became the second wife of their friend Dr C. W. Muecke. Richard served as second director of Adelaide Botanic Garden from 1865-91 making significant contributions in horticulture and agriculture; while Julius was a respected silversmith. One aspect of their contribution to South Australia’s development is the fine technical education available in the nineteenth century Germanic states and the way this was acknowledged by the wider Anglo-Australian community here in S.A.
auf Deutsch:
Das Kaffee und Kuchen Treffen ist ein gemütliches Zusammensein zur Pflege der deutschen Sprache. Es findet jeden letzten Montag im Monat um 13 Uhr im Langmeil Centre, 7 Maria Street in Tanunda statt.