The BGLA is currently supporting German classes in the Barossa. The classes are run by Gundi Tophinke. In all groups, the focus is on conversation and social interactions. Much more than a language class, the groups have become places of friendship and mutual support. If you want to exercise your mind, if you need some relief from the daily crossword, then come and join us.
As in previous years, we will be offering German classes at the Lyndoch Library (between Lyndoch Institute und Post Office), Conference Room, 29 Barossa Valley Way, Lyndoch SA. Parking available at rear.
German for Learners with some previous knowledge: Fridays, 2 pm to 5 pm
Term 4 starts Friday, October 16 and ends Friday, December 11.
In this group, we learn how to read and understand simple texts, ask questions and give answers. We also look at the parts of sentences and demystify how to use nominative, dative and accusative.
German for Beginners: Saturdays, 11am to 1pm
Term 4 starts Saturday, October 17 and ends Saturday, December 12.
This group has been meeting for one term only. We are learning the 500 most frequent words and how to speak in Past and Present Tense.
Intermediate German: Saturdays, 2pm to 5pm
Term 4 starts Saturday, October 17 and ends Saturday, December 12.
Through their studies over the last 4 years, this group has become very interested in the Germanic and Roman roots of the English language, hence we are now following the history of the English language from the beginnings of the Germanic Migration through to the influences of Latin and French.
Cost: $35 for one session, comprising 2 hours for beginners and 3 hours for continuing students.
covid 19-Safety Plan: We practise social distancing and sanitising. All participants are required to fill in an attendance slip for tracing purposes.For further enquiries, please contact Gundi on 0431 047 582, or email